Deliverable 9.1: Modelling Sustainability and Nutrition in Long Run Analyses of the EU Agri-Food system: Work plan for the SUSFANS Toolbox

Deliverable 9.1: Modelling Sustainability and Nutrition in Long Run Analyses of the EU Agri-Food system: Work plan for the SUSFANS Toolbox
Paper authors
Adrian Leip
Andrea Zimmermann
Martine Rutten
Petr Havlik
Thom Achterbosch
Thomas Heckelei
Apr 20 2016
Description This paper presents a plan for operationalising a modelling toolbox for the assessment of food and nutrition security and sustainability of the EU food system. The toolbox will be capable of: (1) Tracing nutrients in agriculture, fish, food and feed through the EU system; (2) Supporting foresight on EU diets and food production systems; (3) Capturing dimensions of sustainability by stage of the food supply chain (primary food production, food processing and consuming); (4) Providing entry points for policy and innovation by government, private sector, NGOs and the science community.
Authors at SUSFANS
Work package