
Deliverable 11 .1 Communication Plan

Deliverable 8.2: Preliminary report on Task 8.2: prices forecasting model

Deliverable 8.1: The decomposition of agricultural commodity markets volatility between fundamentals and market speculation

Deliverable 4.4: Preliminary report on Task 4.4: drivers of crop production

Deliverable 4.2: The drivers of fisheries and aquaculture production in the EU

Deliverable 4.1: The drivers of livestock production in the EU

Deliverable 2.4: Preliminary report on Task 2.4: lab experiment on consumers choice

Deliverable 2.2: Protocol for defining the nutritional adequacy of total diets and foods consumed in EU countries

Deliverable 2.1: Consumers’ knowledge about the determinants for a sustainable diet

Deliverable 1.2: Metrics to assess Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in the EU - a progress report